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Somebody Blew Up Israel Oct. 7, 2023

From The River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free

ART | 6/12/2024

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood
A tribe flew into Israel
David versus Goliath
Breaking through Israel’s border fence
Warriors, weapons in hands
Sparing no one, hostage takers
The Alliance of Palestinian Forces
All willing to die martyrs

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Who the innocent
Israel Defense Forces-solider
Negev desert Rave music festival-attendee

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Resistance fighters, of Israel’s occupation, of Palestine
Breaking through the border fence
Dividing Gaza, from the land of Israel
Palestinians from their fig, olive, trees
Flying powered parachutes, driving bulldozers
Pickup trucks, motorcycles, running on foot
Into invincible Israel
Tearing open Gaza’s walled-in open-air prison
The border fence, build by Israel, a Zionist state
“Proclaimed by God for Jews to live on the land of Israel”
No longer Palestine, but Palestinian refugees
From land cultivated centuries

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Israel declares itself an independent state May 14, 1948
500 Palestinian-Arab villages bulldozed by Israeli-Jews
The U.N. grants Palestinians refugee status
Meaning, “The right of return to their homes in Israel”
Israel allows every Jew the right to enter what was once Palestine
There is no “right of return” for 700,000-800,000 Palestinians
Forced from their lands and villages in 1948
By Zionist paramilitary organizations, Israel Defense Forces
“Only terrorism, retaliation, will deter the Arabs”
“Only Jewish armed force will ensure the Jewish state”
Jews vs. the non-Jew world, the world that allowed the Holocaust

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Before the 1947-1948 Arab Israeli civil war
The fulfillment of the Zionist dream of ethnic cleansing
The creation of the State of Israel
The displacement of half of Palestine’s predominantly Arab population
The Nakba or Catastrophe for Palestinian Arabs
Arab Jew lived in one country

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Since the 1967 Six Day Arab-Israeli War
Israel has expanded its borders
Israel Defense Forces, citizens, settlers, raid into the West Bank
Palestinians continuous experience of violence, dispossession
Occupation, war, daily arrests
Israel making “Jerusalem the undivided capital of Israel”
Establishing a biblical Greater Israel, settlements in Judea, Samaria
The West Bank, Occupied Territories

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Israel’s war made in the USA
White phosphorus bombs
2000 lb. bombs
Advanced fighter jet aircraft
Tanks, artillery, ordinances
Used against the Palestinians
Israel Defense Forces have indiscriminately bombed
Palestinian cities, Palestinian hospitals, Palestinian libraries
Palestinian schools, Palestinian universities
Reducing to rubble Palestinian sanctuaries
Decimating the densely populated Gaza Strip
“U.S.-made weapons facilitated the mass killings of extended families”
Amnesty International Dec. 5, 2023, report on U.S. made JDAM bombs
Funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency-UNRWA
For Palestine Refugees in the Near East
The U.S. announced it has cut off humanitarian aid to the U.N. agency
Even as 196 relief workers have been killed by Israel
In this current war to date according to the U.N.
Even as Palestinian children are starving to death
Seven World Central Kitchen aid workers are killed
In an Israeli airstrike April 1, 2024

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Israel’s blockading of the Gaza Strip, 140 sq. miles of land
Israel’s West Bank kibbutz population now numbering over half a million settlers
Israel’s 1980 Jerusalem Law, formalizing the annexation of Jerusalem
Inside apartheid Israel, over two million Arabs reside
Where only Jews exist with full rights
Funded by U.S. administrations, since Harry S. Truman
U.S. support for Israel is “rock solid”
Israel would not exist without the U.S.
“$130 billion in U.S. military aid since 1948”
U.S. Department of State, Oct. 19, 2023

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Oct. 7, 2023
Palestinian Forces attack Israel
Kill an est. 1200, take 240 Israelis hostage
How many Palestinian prisoners exist, in Israeli military prisons
How many Palestinians have died in massacres, raids, assassinations
By Israel Defense Forces, Israel Mossad agents, Israeli citizens, Israeli settlers
How many Palestinians are held without trial, against the Geneva Convention
Protocols protecting civilians, medics, aid workers, prisoner of war

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Since Oct. 7, 2023
How many Palestinian dead
Children buried alive in bedrooms
Palestinian mothers, their babies, inside hospital maternity wards
Palestinians in need of medical care
How many Palestinian-Arabs dead
How many Israeli-Jews dead
What is the ratio man, woman, child, baby

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Israel’s war
A Zionist genocide
Tens of thousands of Palestinian dead, missing, severely injured
As medical supplies denied entry into Gaza by Israel
Israel’s carnage of Gaza is as horrifying as Nazi fascist conduct during World War Two
If such destruction, misery, death, mass murder can be quantified era to era
Israel’s final solution to the Palestinian question in the Gaza Strip
Make Palestinian life unlivable, eliminate Palestinian culture, history
Destroy the Gaza Strip’s ability to support Palestinian-Arab life

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

The Prime Minister of Israel
After the attack of Oct. 7, 2023
Addressing Israel Defense Forces
“Remember what Amalek has done to you”
“Blot out that remembrance from under heaven”
“Commit to completely eliminating this evil from the world”
The Defense Minister of Israel
After the attack of Oct. 7, 2023
“We are fighting human animals”
“We are acting accordingly”
“We will eliminate everything”
The Finance Minister of Israel
After the attack of Oct. 7, 2023
“We are promoting settlement”
“All over the country”
“What needs to be done in the Gaza Strip”
“Is to encourage emigration”
“Making way for Israelis”
“Who could make the desert bloom”
The test for humanity
After the attack of Oct. 7, 2023
South Africa accuses Israel of violating the 1948 Genocide Convention
At the International Court of Justice, at The Hague

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Beating Israel’s propaganda drum
Palestinian-Arabs are not equal to Israeli-Jews
In life or in death, Palestinians have no right of self-determination
The 2.3 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip
Push them into the desert, Egypt
South through the Rafah Border Crossing
Into the Sinai Peninsula
Make room for Greater Israel

From the river to the sea Palestine will be free

Somebody blew up Israel Oct. 7, 2023