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No. 1
MARCH 6th, 2024
Vol. I

Towards Municipal Socialism in the Copper Country
by Eli Haber

What should the political program of an autonomous socialist collective in a small town like Houghton/Hancock be, and how ought that program be realized? Looking at different movements and political traditions around the world and across history, we see a few competing visions for enacting socialism at the municipal level. While a complete survey of these visions is beyond the scope of this essay, it is worth starting with at least a basic typology.

Homage to Työmies
by Griffin Abbott

In 1903 the American Finnish Workers Publishing Company began publishing Amerikan Suomalainen Työmies (The American Finnish Worker) in Worcester, MA. Ten months later, in 1904, the paper moved to Hancock, MI, the epicenter of Finns in the United States. Here in Hancock it was published by the Työmies Publishing Company simply under the name Työmies (The Worker).

Pledge of Allegiance
by Jack Jones

Your Freedom Isn’t Free, a poem.

Solidarity with Palestine
by Griffin Abbott

For many Americans the history of Israel and Palestine started on October 7th, 2023. Footage and headlines announcing an unprovoked attack by Palestinian terrorists against our good friend and ally Israel suddenly appeared everywhere. For people who had not been familiar with the situation this, understandably, came as a shock. But for those of us who are familiar with the history the events on and since October 7th are simply a continuation of the struggle by the Palestinian people for freedom since the 1940s.

To The Person Sitting In The Darkness
by ozhaawashko-animikinini

“In the era of the Earth, we will effectively require a language that constantly bores, perforates, and digs like a gimlet, that knows how to become a projectile, a sort of full absolute, of will that ceaselessly gnaws at the real. Its function will not only be to force the locks but also to save life from the disaster lying in wait.” - Achille Mbembe, Necropolitics

A Mocking Song
by Jack Jones

Day 358 of the Russia-Ukraine war: The politics of propaganda is a slick business, read many sources and in-between-the-lines Understand the why of the Russia-Ukraine war in real time.

Union Scabs
by Oscar Ameringer, reprinted from the March 20, 1908 issue of The Wage Slave, Hancock, MI

There are three kinds of scabs: the professional, the amateur and the union scab. The professional scab is usually a high-paid, high-skilled worker in the employ of strikebreaking and detective agencies. His position is that of a petty officer’s in the regular scab army. The amateur scab brigade is composed of bums, riff-raff, slum dwellers, rubes, tramps, imbeciles, college students and other undesirable citizens. The last, and by far the most important class is the union scab.

Landlord Blackout Poetry
by Johnathan Hill

A blackout poem.

The Theme for this Quarter

The Keweenaw Peninsula has a long history of radical labor action, socialist organizing, and publishing leftist literature. Much of this history, however, has faded in the minds of residents of the Copper Country. As the once booming industry of the area withdrew to carve out markets elsewhere so too did the radical organizing which was focused around that industry as leftist organizing waned nationwide.

Now, as the radical labor movement and leftist organizing are once again on the rise in this country, we can look back and rediscover the radical history of the Keweenaw and be guided by it as we continue to work for liberation from capitalism.

Book Club
Readings from Book Clubs this Quarter

Municipal Socialism - January
Parsing Out the Legacy of Sewer Socialism by Sean Keith
Libertarian Municipalism: An Overview by Murray Bookchin
Practicing Radical Democracy: Lessons from Brazil by Rebecca Abers

Revolution in Rojava - February/March
Origins of the PKK and the 'Rojava' Revolution: Pt. 1 by Dingane Xaba
The Main Principles of Democratic Confederalism from Komun Academy
The Social Contract of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region
Rojava: Reality and Rhetoric by Gilles Dauvé and T.L.
Syria, Anarchism and Visiting Rojava by David Graeber

Editor: Griffin Abbott