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A Mocking Song

by Jack Jones
Q1 2024 | 3/6/2024

Day 358 of the Russia-Ukraine war:[1] The politics of propaganda is a slick business, read many sources and in-between-the-lines Understand the why of the Russia-Ukraine war in real time.

U.S. foreign policy establishment—Pentagon, North Atlantic Treaty Organization—beating a familiar anti-Russian drum: Russian oligarchs a.k.a. Russian gangster capitalists, the Russian Orthodox Church—post the era of Perestroika and Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and final General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union—U.S. conservative evangelicals, ultra-nationalist Americans, America First neo-fascist politicians, far-right militia group leaders, all have publicly prayed for and saluted Putin and Russia.

Russia is taking a page from NATO’s playbook and trying to replace U.S. hegemony in Europe: The people of Ukraine are the victims of Russian protectionism and Western conspiratorial provocation. The pawns in the game are uprooted young Russian soldiers, flesh and blood Ukrainians. Men, women, and children—living, fighting, bleeding, dying—in the trenches, rubble of destroyed Ukrainian cities reminiscent of World War II. Lost lives, both Nations’ dreams for security and prosperity dissipate in this war; instead killing each other on the field of battle in a war that will not help the world achieve economic and social justice—peace and respect—even for its own humanity. Ukraine war ravaged—Russia’s point made—NATO creates war.

Imagine Russia allying itself with Mexico in a formal economic and military alliance that places advanced offensive weapon systems on the U.S. southern border: The U.S. would go to war against Mexico to prevent that from happening. The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 should serve as an historic example and precedent setting.

The 1917 Russian Revolution made Ukraine and Crimea a part of a federated Union of Soviet Socialists Republics: Vladimir Ilyich Putin has denounced Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and renounced Marxism-Leninism and his February 24, 2022 invasion of Ukraine looks predictable: A would be 21st century Russian Tsar reestablishing Russia as a world-power and broker. A super-power enough to be a thorn in the West’s agenda of expansion into what was formally Eastern-Europe before the implosion and demise of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The cost is the Russia-Ukraine war: Making billions of U.S. dollars in profits for the Military-Industrial Complex—the Masters of War—while touching bleeding hearts in the West; bleeding white lives, resources, and refugees command’s the attention of mainstream racist white media while the long standing wars’ in Palestine and Yemen attracts no such Western media attention.

Ask yourself why the Russia-Ukraine war has happened: Why cannot the West demilitarize and resolve this Russia-Ukraine border war through a negotiated settlement? Allow the regions of Ukraine to decide for themselves, through referendum, which country—Ukraine or Russia—they wish to belong to.

Day 462 of the Russia-Ukraine war: The politics of propaganda is a slick business, read many sources and in-between-the-lines. Understand why the Biden Administration is holding the U.S. population hostage over debt limit negotiations along with far right-wing Freedom Caucus Republicans with Social Security, Medicare, and minimal Safety Net Programs hanging in the balance.

Debt ceiling negotiations: The Biden administration has given U.S. domestic resources towards Ukraine’s war, NATO’s war, against Russia. Why do you think that President Joe Biden and colleagues, both Democratic and Republican—and the Atlantic alliance—want war, in particular this war going strong instead of helping humankind build an equitable and sustainable Earth? In the last century when has the U.S. not been involved in an overseas conflict or war? Not since the end of the Vietnam War in 1975—due to a decade of internal U.S. opposition to that war and civil unrest over inequality and racism—until the invasion of Granada in 1983. And other than World War II those wars were solely in the national interests of U.S. imperialism.

U.S. colonialism: The U.S. waged war and took land first from American Indians, then imported African slave laborers to build the U.S. economy, then made war on Mexico in 1846 following the annexation of Texas. Is the U.S. planning to give back American Indian land—land taken illegally, in violation of U.S. Senate ratified treaties—or pay reparations to African-American descendants of U.S. slaves? Why is it that Taiwan is not looked at the same as Crimea? Why cannot the U.S. demilitarize, and the Russia-Ukraine war resolved through referendum?

Ukraine support tracker:[2] Since the war began, the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine which includes humanitarian, financial, but mainly military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute. And that aid does not include the recent announcement that the Biden administration has approved supplying Ukraine with an undisclosed number of advanced American-made F-16 fighter jets and that the Ukrainian pilots will be trained by NATO.

Beating a predictable drum of anti-Western rhetoric: call this the definition of παρῳδία.

A mocking-song.

To be continued…

[1] Cook, Larne, 2023, February 16, Brussels. From tents to tanks; a big year for NATO. Associated Press. “All that’s missing, it might seem, is the boots of allied troops on the ground. Indeed, the public in Europe and North America could be excused for believing that their taxes funding the world’s most powerful security organization are being spent in a war with Russia. […] In the year since the Russians invaded, the U.S. has provided more than $27 billion in military help to Ukraine. Two senior defense officials estimated this week that other allies have stumped up more than $19 billion worth, with over $1 billion each from Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Poland. […] That’s on top of the tens of billions the West is sending to keep Ukraine’s battered economy afloat.”
