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No. 2
JUNE 30th, 2024
Vol. I

Generative Refusal
by ozhaawashko-animikinini

"Entanglement is not all that characterizes the now. Indeed, wherever we look, the drive is decisively toward contraction, containment, and enclosure. By enclosure, contraction, and containment, I do not simply mean the erection of all kinds of walls and fortifications, gates and enclaves, or various practices of partitioning space, of offshoring and fencing off wealth. I am also referring to a matrix of rules mostly designed for those human bodies deemed either in excess, unwanted, illegal, dispensable, or superfluous." - Achille Mbembe, Necropolitics

Public Libraries and Community Building
by Johnathan Hill

The humble public library rests as a cornerstone of American society. Seemingly unassuming, there are more than 17,278 in the United states alone. In such difficult times as these, public libraries are a beacon of hope. Let us then explore the ideals that public libraries actualize on a daily basisIdeals of equality, liberation and egalitarianism are actualized.

Death's Veil
by Jack

In celebration of the courageous life of African American revolutionary and educator Dr. James Turner of the Africana Studies & Research Center and April 1969 Cornell University.

The Keweenaw's Looming Rental Housing Monopoly
by Eli Haber

Increasingly, housing in the United States has become concentrated in the hands of a few large landlords. This has occurred both on the national scale with investment firms like Blackrock, as well as on the scale of towns, cities, and neighborhoods by individuals and smaller companies like Bradway Enterprises, Houghton Off Campus Housing (HOCH), Lahti Properties, and their competitors.

Introduction to the Carbondale Plan: Municipal Socialism and Dual Power from Illinois to the Keweenaw
by The Last Slartibartfast

This piece has been removed from this edition of the quarterly. The author has notified us of major factual errors in the piece after re examination and requested the article be removed as to preserve the integrity of the publication. The author also wishes to apologize to those involved in the Carbondale spring movement in inaccurately portraying the narrative of the movement and co-opting the municipality’s history in order to construct a quasi-presidential blueprint for the Keweenaw.

The Right to Free Speech
by Demos, reprinted from the May 29, 1908 issue of The Wage Slave, Hancock, MI

It is gratifying to see the Mining Journal wake from their lethargy, sit up and take notice of the socialists. Of course this is not because they want to, but because they can’t avoid it. They don’t like the mental medicine the socialists carry with them, so they must try by some means to counteract its effect upon the public mind.

Christ was a Socialist
by J.A. Williams, reprinted from the May 22, 1908 issue of The Wage Slave, Hancock, MI

A poem.

Revolutionary Optimism
The Theme for this Quarter

As leftists it can be easy to fall into despair. Our individual contributions can seem small in the face of the global capitalist hegemony and looming climate change. It can be easy to think that our efforts are meaningless, our cause unwinnable, that the end of history has been reached. This, however, could not be farther from the truth.

We must dismiss the ingrained liberal notion that change is only possible through the successes or failures of individuals, and remember that we are all struggling together as a class. It is not you alone against the owning class but you alone side the great mass of workers struggling together. We must find hope in the knowledge that as capitalism’s contradictions become increasingly pointed we have the opportunity to bring more workers to the cause and hasten the downfall of this oppressive system such that a new system of equality and democracy can rise in its place.

“We live in capitalism, its power seems inescapable – but then, so did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings.” - Ursula K. Le Guin
Book Club
Readings from Book Clubs this Quarter

Disability Justice - April
Capitalism and Disability by Marta Russel and Ravi Malhotra
10 Principles of Disability Justice from Sins Invalid
Crip Theory: A Useful Tool for Social Analysis by Mikael Mery Karlsson and Jens Rydström

Poems by Mahmoud Darwish - May
Identity Card
Oh My Father, I am Yusif
A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies

Modern Monetary Theory - June
Modern Monetary Theory: A General Introduction by Usman Chohan
A Coherent Monetary Theory is Threat to the Capitalist State by Charles Stevenson and Ellen Helker-Nygren
The Deficit Myth: The Biggest Lie in Politics video essay by 1Dime

Editor: Griffin Abbott