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Christ was a Socialist

by J.A. Williams, reprinted from the May 22, 1908 issue of The Wage Slave, Hancock, MI
Q2 2024 | 6/30/2024

A Socialist thinks that the land is the Lord’s,
That the earth was not made for a few;
That ye should do to others the way that ye should
That others should do onto you.
If ye would not toil for another one’s gain
Do not force him to do so for you.
Though the churches deny it, we know by his word
That Christ was a Socialist, too.

A Socialist thinks that you cannot love God
And injure your dear brother man.
The worst way to hurt is to do it by law
For he cannot get even again.
If you love your neighbor the same as yourself,
No injustice to him will you do
The doctrine that all are the children of God
Shows that Christ was a Socialist, too.

A Socialist thinks that the one is a thief
Who gives not all that is earned,
And Christ called them thieves when the temple within
Their tables of change he o’erturned.
When the Socialists today strive the lowly to aid,
Persecutions they have to go through;
He laid down his life for his love of mankind,
So Christ was a Socialist, too.

The Socialists preach the glad news to the poor,
They seek to uplift the oppressed;
The same as the Christ went about doing good,
Relieving the weak and distressed.
And he said, “He that loves not the one he hath seen,
And loves him as I have loved you,
Cannot love the Father he never hath seen;”
So Christ was a Socialist, too.