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The Right to Free Speech

by Demos, reprinted from the May 29, 1908 issue of The Wage Slave, Hancock, MI
Q2 2024 | 6/30/2024

It is gratifying to see the Mining Journal wake from their lethargy, sit up and take notice of the socialists. Of course this is not because they want to, but because they can’t avoid it. They don’t like the mental medicine the socialists carry with them, so they must try by some means to counteract its effect upon the public mind. The old party papers are in a predicament as to what to do about the socialists. They can’t keep still about them, as that would leave the ground all too east for socialists. They dare not tell the truth about them, as that would also be in favor of the socialists. So there is but one thing left for them to do and that is to lie about them; and even that won’t help them very long because the truth will come out.

In Saturday’s issue of the Mining Journal and other subsequent issues they reviewed the work of comrade Henderson while passing thru this count, painting the blackest side possible to it, and handling the truth very carelessly in reference to it. The only food thing they found in their heart to say was that he had a good command of “english.”

Of course it is quite natural that they should regard everything as flat except the pancakes that they and their ilk continuously hand out to a long suffering public.

However we hope they (the authorities) will take the advise of that business man and instead of making anarchists of themselves by opposing the rights of citizens regarding free speech and peaceable assemblage, making up their mind to respect the rights granted by the constitution of the State and the United States. Both these constitution expressly states that no laws shall be passed restriction the rights of free speech and free assemblage. While we may swallow their bluff for the time being there will come a time when we shall call their bluff and stand by our rights as granted by the constitution.

We do not expect to be painted in anything but an unfavorable light by such papers as the Mining Journal and their ilk; irrespective of what merit there may be in our cause or the ability of our speakers to present our principles.

The old party papers have entered into an agreement to fight socialism by certain policies, without regard as to whether their statements be true or otherwise, so long as they can set up bugaboos and misconceptions of our movement. Their idea is to give us as much trouble as possible in knocking the straw men, of their making, out of the minds of the people, so that we won’t have much time to spare to tell the great vital truths about our movement. They have a mortal fear of the great truths that are the foundation and bulwarks of socialism; consequently they put forward every effort to blind the people and scare them away from the real truth about things. But it makes no difference which way they go about demolishing socialism; after they have done their worst, socialism looms up stronger and more magnificent, after every effort that they put forward to try and break it down. Socialism is in line with natural law and Social evolution and it is only fools who get in the way of it. An ounce of study will bring better results than tons of lies and force. All winds blow towards socialism. Now instead of being a log of “Jass-Axes” get some sense into your craniums and learn to spread yours seals with the breeze. Cooperate with natural law that we may all the sooner reach the commonwealth. There, we will forget the differences and struggles of the jungle of capitalism, and will redeem the earth as a heritage for all the children of men in stead of allowing it to be made a veritable hell of poverty that the lusts, greed and selfishness of a few may be satisfied.

We have no respect for the anarchists whether in office or out, we respect human rights and we shall use our greatest powers through education and the ballot box to obtain and maintain them. If by force you take away free speech and the ballot box you may hold yourself accountable for the results that will surely follow such a Trust-made policy. Free Americans will not stand to have the rights and liberties which the constitution grants to them stolen away from them by a set of self made despots. We sincerely hope in the future when we as citizens exercise out rights, that those in authority will not have the brazen audacity to exercise power which the constitution expressly forbids. If the authorities press us to carry the rights of free speech then the courts they will find themselves coming out at the wrong end, and it will certainly not be pleasant to bear the reproach that will of necessity fall upon them.

The club is not mightier than the constitution as some are want to say. The welfare of humanity must every by the supreme issues, and reason is always better than force.

In the meantime, time and energy spent to teach official ignorance, better manners can be better applied to proclaiming the whole truth about our social conditions from the house tops if need be. The whole truth being the only way in which society can save itself from the cancers of greed that is eating the heart out of the nation.

Use reason instead of self arrogated force and you will find the socialists a reasonable set of fellows to deal with as they always believe in fighting their battle for human rights with their brain in stead of the shotgun.

When you say that out speakers are flat etc. and the next thing you set yourselves squared against the constitution in an effort to prevent them from speaking, you make your words belie your acts. Now all we ask is that you will be the gentlemen that you find us to be and in a short time you will finds bumps on the top of your head that was not caused by a club of any kind. Bumps that are caused by the evolution of thought. They more you listen to our side of the story the less use there will be for the policeman’s club. The more that socialism finds its way into the minds of the people, the less use will there be for the jail, insane asylum, and a number of other bad and useless things that we now need because of our ignorance.

Now don’t be foolish and try to keep back the rising sun, you will only burn your fingers by such endeavors. Study, read, think, observe, investigate, get wise and don’t be a hireling’s fool.

It was Hammond who said, “things which have been regarded as infallible for ages, are upset by a late telegram today,” so don't despise the tea kettle that produces the steam engine. Things cannot be kept back because they are small. Nor cal big things be kept up when they are not right. A cause that is righteous and just cannot be scoffed out of existence by a lying press nor blown off the earth with powder and shot. Knowledge, tolerance and reason are mightier than the club, so let humanity follow the easiest route, that happiness for all concerned may increase upon the earth.

Editors Note: The use of the term “anarchists” in this article should be read with the colloquial definition of anarchy, that is, chaos and disregard for the safety of others, rather than the socialist political philosophy of Anarchism.